IT Projects
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Classroom Lecture Capture Streaming 9 (May 2021 – Current)
Upgrading all college classrooms with modern equipment for remote teaching, in collaboration with Technology solutions and external vendors.
Human Resource System Modernization Project II / TrackerDuo (Jul 2019 – Dec 2020)
Collaborating with our director of Human Resources, this project aims at building a web-based front end with Django, Python, PHP and MySQL, that allows department managers to submit employee requisition, approval of new hires, facilitate a new employee onboarding, and maintain personnel records on premises.
Resource Management Modernization Project (Jul 2017 – May 2019)
Redevelop ETL website, streaming equipment reservations for college faculty and student teachers, and modernizing our departmental knowledge base (The ETL Wiki). Moving away from the paper process to a completely digitized system, provide traceability and accountability of vital university resources.
Distance Learning and Broadcasting system for adult GED students (Nov 2016 – Present)
Partnering Organization: Center for Literacy, University of Illinois at Chicago
Implementation of technical infrastructure that made possible live broadcasting of GED classes simultaneously in 5 different locations across the Chicago metropolitan area with a concentration of Hispanic populations.
Microsoft Exchange Migration Project (Sep 2016 – Dec 2017)
Migration of 300+ faculty and staff email accounts from an in-house mail server to Microsoft Exchange / Office 365 for stability and FERPA / FOIA compliance.
Educational Software Review Database (Apr 2016 – Dec 2016)
Partnering Institution: Chicago Public Schools
A Web-based application mimicking the functionality of IMDB using FileMaker Pro and Java. Designed for K-12 educators to submit reviews and recommendations of various educational software. ETL developed and debugged JUnit test cases with CodePro Analytix and a traceability matrix. ETL collaborated on the project’s Software Requirement Specifications document and creation of JavaDocs
UIC College of Education - Information Security Training Program (Apr 2016 - Dec 2016)
Security awareness training program.
Implemented a new information security awareness program for existing college faculty and staff, as well as a new orientation program for incoming faculty. Monitor and enforce proper completion of the program.
-Designed and incorporate various videos and manuals regarding FERPA/HIPAA/GDPR tailored to our college. -
ETL Two Rivers Outreach Project (Jan 2016 - May 2016)
Two Rivers Head Start Agency, Carpentersville, IL
•Community engagement grant to empower Latino Families with children through the use of Information Technology
•Provide course materials for topics ranging from Introduction to computers, email usage, access to information on public services, and websites to improve children’s literacy
•Moderating a Google group for participating parents to exchange ideas and comments, as well as answering technical questions that arise from the participants -
ETL Inventory and Disposal Management System (Mar 2014 – Sep 2014)
Project to build an inventory disposal website using Django, Python and SQLite. This application is hosted on Ubuntu server with Gunicorn and Nginx HTTP servers. ETL staff constructed a Python function that turned form information displayed as HTML into a PDF
Ascension – A co-op video puzzle game for vision-impaired people (Feb 2013 – May 2013)
A co-op puzzle game created using Unity 3D game engine using JavaScript and C#. Designed for vision-impaired players with precision sound effects, unique user interface and creative level design. Used by four different cohorts of student teachers in Special Education